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IBM MQ Appliance v9.0 NDM Security Technical Implementation Guide

Rules, Groups, and Values defined within the XCCDF Benchmark

  • SRG-APP-000125-NDM-000241

  • The MQ Appliance network device must back up audit records at least every seven days onto a different system or system component than the system or component being audited.

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;Protection of log data includes assuring log data is not accidentally lost or deleted. Regularly backing up audit records to ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-APP-000148-NDM-000246

  • The MQ Appliance network device must uniquely identify and authenticate organizational administrators (or processes acting on behalf of organizational administrators).

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;To assure accountability and prevent unauthenticated access to the MQ Appliance, organizational administrators must be unique...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-APP-000148-NDM-000346


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