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HP FlexFabric Switch NDM Security Technical Implementation Guide

Rules, Groups, and Values defined within the XCCDF Benchmark

  • The HP FlexFabric Switch must be configured to prohibit the use of all unnecessary and/or nonsecure functions, ports, protocols, and/or services, as defined in the PPSM CAL and vulnerability assessments.

    In order to prevent unauthorized connection of devices, unauthorized transfer of information, or unauthorized tunneling (i.e., embedding of data types within data types), organizations must disable...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The HP FlexFabric Switch must enforce a minimum 15-character password length.

    Password complexity, or strength, is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting attempts at guessing and brute-force attacks. Password length is one factor of several that helps to d...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • If multifactor authentication is not supported and passwords must be used, the HP FlexFabric Switch must enforce password complexity by requiring that at least one lower-case character be used.

    Use of a complex password helps to increase the time and resources required to compromise the password. Password complexity, or strength, is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resistin...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The HP FlexFabric Switch, when utilizing PKI-based authentication, must validate certificates by constructing a certification path (which includes status information) to an accepted trust anchor.

    Without path validation, an informed trust decision by the relying party cannot be made when presented with any certificate not already explicitly trusted. A trust anchor is an authoritative entit...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The HP FlexFabric Switch must terminate all network connections associated with a device management session at the end of the session, or the session must be terminated after 10 minutes of inactivity except to fulfill documented and validated mission requirements.

    Terminating an idle session within a short time period reduces the window of opportunity for unauthorized personnel to take control of a management session enabled on the console or console port th...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The HP FlexFabric Switch must generate an immediate alert for account enabling actions.

    Once an attacker establishes initial access to a system, the attacker often attempts to create a persistent method of reestablishing access. One way to accomplish this is for the attacker to simply...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The HP FlexFabric Switch must allocate audit record storage capacity in accordance with organization-defined audit record storage requirements.

    In order to ensure network devices have a sufficient storage capacity in which to write the audit logs, they need to be able to allocate audit record storage capacity. The task of allocating audit ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The HP FlexFabric Switch must synchronize internal information system clocks to the authoritative time source when the time difference is greater than the organization-defined time period.

    Inaccurate time stamps make it more difficult to correlate events and can lead to an inaccurate analysis. Determining the correct time a particular event occurred on a system is critical when condu...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The HP FlexFabric Switch must be configured to synchronize internal information system clocks with the primary and secondary time sources located in different geographic regions using redundant authoritative time sources.

    The loss of connectivity to a particular authoritative time source will result in the loss of time synchronization (free-run mode) and increasingly inaccurate time stamps on audit events and other ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Applications used for nonlocal maintenance sessions must implement cryptographic mechanisms to protect the integrity of nonlocal maintenance and diagnostic communications.

    This requires the use of secure protocols instead of their unsecured counterparts, such as SSH instead of telnet, SCP instead of FTP, and HTTPS instead of HTTP. If unsecured protocols (lacking cryp...
    Rule Medium Severity

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