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Guide to the Secure Configuration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 10

Rules, Groups, and Values defined within the XCCDF Benchmark

  • Protect Accounts by Configuring PAM

    PAM, or Pluggable Authentication Modules, is a system which implements modular authentication for Linux programs. PAM provides a flexible and configurable architecture for authentication, and it sh...
  • Password Hashing algorithm

    Specify the system default encryption algorithm for encrypting passwords. Defines the value set as ENCRYPT_METHOD in /etc/login.defs.
  • Password Hashing algorithm for

    Specify the system default encryption algorithm for encrypting passwords. Defines the hashing algorithm to be used in
  • remember

    The last n passwords for each user are saved in <code>/etc/security/opasswd</code> in order to force password change history and keep the user from alternating between the same password too frequen...
  • Install pam_pwquality Package

    The libpwquality package can be installed with the following command:
    $ sudo dnf install libpwquality
    Rule Medium Severity

The content of the drawer really is up to you. It could have form fields, definition lists, text lists, labels, charts, progress bars, etc. Spacing recommendation is 24px margins. You can put tabs in here, and can also make the drawer scrollable.
