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Guide to the Secure Configuration of SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 5

Rules, Groups, and Values defined within the XCCDF Benchmark

  • Remove User Host-Based Authentication Files

    The <code>~/.shosts</code> (in each user's home directory) files list remote hosts and users that are trusted by the local system. To remove these files, run the following command to delete them fr...
    Rule High Severity
  • Telnet

    The telnet protocol does not provide confidentiality or integrity for information transmitted on the network. This includes authentication information such as passwords. Organizations which use tel...
  • Uninstall telnet-server Package

    The telnet-server package can be removed with the following command:
    $ sudo zypper remove telnet-server
    Rule High Severity
  • SSH Server

    The SSH protocol is recommended for remote login and remote file transfer. SSH provides confidentiality and integrity for data exchanged between two systems, as well as server authentication, throu...
  • SSH Approved ciphers by FIPS

    Specify the FIPS approved ciphers that are used for data integrity protection by the SSH server.
  • SSH Approved MACs by FIPS

    Specify the FIPS approved MACs (message authentication code) algorithms that are used for data integrity protection by the SSH server.
  • SSH session Idle time

    Specify duration of allowed idle time.
  • SSH is required to be installed

    Specify if the Policy requires SSH to be installed. Used by SSH Rules to determine if SSH should be uninstalled or configured.<br> A value of 0 means that the policy doesn't care if OpenSSH server ...
  • SSH Max Keep Alive Count

    Specify the maximum number of idle message counts before session is terminated.
  • Install the OpenSSH Server Package

    The <code>openssh-server</code> package should be installed. The <code>openssh-server</code> package can be installed with the following command: <pre> $ sudo zypper install openssh-server</pre> ...
    Rule Medium Severity

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