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Guide to the Secure Configuration of SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 5

Rules, Groups, and Values defined within the XCCDF Benchmark

  • Ensure There Are No Accounts With Blank or Null Passwords

    Check the "/etc/shadow" file for blank passwords with the following command: <pre>$ sudo awk -F: '!$2 {print $1}' /etc/shadow</pre> If the command returns any results, this is a finding. Configure ...
    Rule High Severity
  • Set Password Strength Minimum Special Characters

    The pam_cracklib module's <code>ocredit=</code> parameter controls requirements for usage of special (or ``other'') characters in a password. When set to a negative number, any password will be req...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Set Password Retry Limit

    The pam_cracklib module's <code>retry</code> parameter controls the maximum number of times to prompt the user for the password before returning with error. Make sure it is configured with a value ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Set Password Strength Minimum Uppercase Characters

    The pam_cracklib module's <code>ucredit=</code> parameter controls requirements for usage of uppercase letters in a password. When set to a negative number, any password will be required to contain...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Set Password Quality Requirements with pam_pwquality

    The <code>pam_pwquality</code> PAM module can be configured to meet requirements for a variety of policies. <br> <br> For example, to configure <code>pam_pwquality</code> to require at lea...

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