Electronically verify Personal Identity Verification-compliant credentials from other federal agencies.
1 rule found Severity: High

The WebSphere Application Server multifactor authentication for network access to privileged accounts must be used.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Nutanix AOS must accept Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials to access the management interface.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Innoslate must use multifactor authentication for network access to privileged and non-privileged accounts.
1 rule found Severity: High

Common Access Card (CAC)-based authentication must be enabled and enforced on the Tanium Server for all access and all accounts.
2 rules found Severity: Medium

Multi-factor authentication must be enabled and enforced on the Tanium Server for all access and all accounts.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: High

1 rule found Severity: Medium

Multifactor authentication must be enabled and enforced on the Tanium Server for all access and all accounts.
2 rules found Severity: Medium

The application server must electronically verify Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials from other federal agencies to access the management interface.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

The application must electronically verify Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials from other federal agencies.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Dragos Platform must accept the DOD CAC or other PKI credential for identity management and personal authentication.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

The Mainframe Product must electronically verify Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials from other federal agencies.
1 rule found Severity: Medium