Protect audit information from unauthorized access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

The FortiGate firewall must protect traffic log records from unauthorized access while in transit to the central audit server.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

The WebSphere Application Server must be configured to protect log information from any type of unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Low

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Low

Riverbed Optimization System (RiOS) must protect audit information from any type of unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Each NSX-T Edge Node configured to host a Tier-1 Gateway Firewall must be configured to use the TLS or LI-TLS protocols to configure and secure traffic log records.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

The NSX-T Tier-0 Gateway Firewall must be configured to use the TLS or LI-TLS protocols to configure and secure communications with the central audit server.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

The macOS system must be configured so that log folders must not contain access control lists (ACLs).
1 rule found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

The Ubuntu operating system must be configured so that audit log files cannot be read or write-accessible by unauthorized users.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

3 rules found Severity: Medium

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must protect audit information from unauthorized read, modification, or deletion.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

The audit information produced by the EDB Postgres Advanced Server must be protected from unauthorized read access.
2 rules found Severity: Medium

The BIG-IP appliance must be configured to protect audit information from any type of unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

The BIG-IP Core implementation must be configured to protect audit information from unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

The Ubuntu operating system must be configured so that audit log files are not read or write-accessible by unauthorized users.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

The Ubuntu operating system must be configured to permit only authorized users ownership of the audit log files.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

The Enterprise Voice, Video, and Messaging Session Manager must protect session (call) records from unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

File permissions must be configured to protect log information from any type of unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

The audit information produced by Azure SQL Database must be protected from unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Windows 11 permissions for the Application event log must prevent access by non-privileged accounts.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

The "Manage auditing and security log" user right must only be assigned to the Administrators group.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

The Oracle Linux operating system must protect audit information from unauthorized read, modification, or deletion.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

The audit information produced by the MySQL Database Server 8.0 must be protected from unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

The audit information produced by Redis Enterprise DBMS must be protected from unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

TOSS audit log directory must have a mode of 0700 or less permissive to prevent unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS must be configured so that audit log files are not read- or write-accessible by unauthorized users.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS must be configured to permit only authorized users ownership of the audit log files.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

IBM z/OS SMF collection files (i.e., SYS1.MANx) access must be limited to appropriate users and/or batch jobs that perform SMF dump processing.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

IBM z/OS must limit access for SMF collection files (i.e., SYS1.MANx) to appropriate users and/or batch jobs that perform SMF dump processing.
2 rules found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

The audit information produced by SQL Server must be protected from unauthorized access, modification, and deletion.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Windows Server 2019 permissions for the Application event log must prevent access by non-privileged accounts.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Windows Server 2019 permissions for the Security event log must prevent access by non-privileged accounts.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Windows Server 2019 permissions for the System event log must prevent access by non-privileged accounts.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Windows Server 2019 Manage auditing and security log user right must only be assigned to the Administrators group.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Windows 10 permissions for the Application event log must prevent access by non-privileged accounts.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

Windows Server 2022 permissions for the Application event log must prevent access by nonprivileged accounts.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Windows Server 2022 permissions for the Security event log must prevent access by nonprivileged accounts.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Windows Server 2022 permissions for the System event log must prevent access by nonprivileged accounts.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

Windows Server 2022 manage auditing and security log user right must only be assigned to the Administrators group.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

Users requiring access to Prisma Cloud Compute's Credential Store must be assigned and accessed by the appropriate role holders.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

The OL 8 audit log directory must have a mode of 0700 or less permissive to prevent unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

OpenShift must protect system journal file from any type of unauthorized access by setting file permissions.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

OpenShift must protect system journal file from any type of unauthorized access by setting owner permissions.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

OpenShift must protect log directory from any type of unauthorized access by setting file permissions.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

OpenShift must protect log directory from any type of unauthorized access by setting owner permissions.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

OpenShift must protect pod log files from any type of unauthorized access by setting owner permissions.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

RHEL 8 audit log directory must have a mode of 0700 or less permissive to prevent unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

RHEL 9 audit logs must be group-owned by root or by a restricted logging group to prevent unauthorized read access.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

RHEL 9 audit logs file must have mode 0600 or less permissive to prevent unauthorized access to the audit log.
1 rule found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

1 rule found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

The VPN Gateway must protect log information from unauthorized read access if all or some of this data is stored locally.
1 rule found Severity: Low

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

2 rules found Severity: Medium

The BlackBerry Enterprise Mobility Server (BEMS) must protect log information from any type of unauthorized read access.
2 rules found Severity: Medium

Rancher MCM must use a centralized user management solution to support account management functions. For accounts using password authentication, the container platform must use FIPS-validated SHA-2 or later protocol to protect the integrity of the password authentication process.
1 rule found Severity: High